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Citrus and Your Health

Citrus can help with heart health and weight loss. It can also, however, contribute to the erosion of your enamel. To offset this effect, here are 5 suggestions to help balance the acid in citrus while protecting your teeth.

5 TIPS to Reduce Citrus Acid Erosion On Your Enamel

Tips to Reduce Citrus Acid Erosion


If drinking OJ, take it down in one sitting vs. sips over a longer period.


Use a straw to limit juice exposure on your teeth.


Match citric foods with less acidic ones, like grapefruit slices in a salad.


Wait a couple of hours before eating more acidic foods.


Swish some water (politely!) after every meal.

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Foods and Drinks That Cause Acid Erosion

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How to Prevent Acid Erosion

See how you can start protecting your enamel from acid erosion with these 7 simple steps.

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